Mysterious Humanoid Encounters: Pale Beasts and Werewolf-Like Creatures

Posted Tuesday, April 23, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on the Horror Den of Misfits YouTube channel has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "24 TRUE EXTREMELY INSANE SCARY DOGMAN & CRYPTID HORROR STORIES (DOGMAN, SASQUATCH, WENDIGO, RAKE)," features several personal accounts of encounters with mysterious creatures. While the video covers a range of cryptids, there are a few stories that stand out to us Bigfoot believers. One particularly intriguing account comes from a witness who claims to have seen a strange creature while living in rural Spain in 2011. The witness describes the creature as being around 6 or 7 feet tall, with no body hair and a "sickly pale color" that glowed in the moonlight. The creature was running on all fours, but its elongated dog-like nose and overall humanoid appearance have left the witness questioning whether they saw a crawler or a Dogman. Another fascinating story comes from a witness who claims to have encountered a tall, wolf-like creature outside their grandparents' house when they were just six or seven years old. The creature had human-like eyes, a big head, and a long, wolflike mouth. The witness's parents dismissed the encounter as a dream or a simple wolf, but the witness remains convinced that it was something more. The video also features a story from Ohio, where a witness claims to have seen a werewolf-like creature outside their home. The creature was tall, with shaggy hair and yellow eyes that seemed to glow. The witness's dog, a husky-collie mix named Caroline, became agitated and started barking at the window where the creature was spotted. The witness's friends, who were over for a sleepover, also saw the creature and described it as being at least 7 feet tall. As Bigfoot believers, we are always excited to hear new accounts of mysterious creatures. While these stories may not directly involve Bigfoot, they are still fascinating and worth considering. Who knows, perhaps these creatures are all part of the same mysterious family of beings that includes our beloved Sasquatch. We encourage our readers to check out the Horror Den of Misfits YouTube channel and watch the video for themselves. These personal accounts offer a unique perspective on the world of cryptids and are sure to leave you intrigued and wanting to learn more. So grab some popcorn, settle in, and get ready to hear some truly terrifying stories.