Spokane Tribe's 1840 Letter: Encounters with Mysterious Mountain Giants
Posted Monday, April 22, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A fascinating video recently caught my eye, featuring a letter written by Reverend Elena Walker, a missionary to the Spokan Indians of Northern Washington, in April of 1840. The letter, addressed to Reverend David Green, secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for foreign missions, offers a captivating account of a race of giants believed to inhabit a certain mountain by the local Native people. As a dedicated Bigfoot enthusiast, I couldn't help but be intrigued by the potential connections to our beloved Sasquatch.
Reverend Walker's letter provides a wealth of information about these mysterious beings, which she refers to as "giants." The native people believe they live on a specific mountain, which is covered in perpetual snow. Interestingly, these giants are described as nocturnal, being active at night and hunting and working during this time. They are also reported to have a strong, intolerable odor, a characteristic that has been attributed to Bigfoot sightings throughout history.
The Spokan tribe, the native people mentioned in the letter, are of the Interior Salish Group and have inhabited the Northeast Washington, Northern Idaho, and Western Montana regions for centuries. The Spokane Indian Reservation, established in 1879, is located in Eastern Washington and is home to the Spokan people.
The letter from Reverend Walker is a valuable historical document, shedding light on early beliefs and encounters with these enigmatic giants. While the creatures described in the letter may not be identical to Bigfoot as we know it today, the similarities are undeniably intriguing.
If you're as fascinated by this historical account as I am, I wholeheartedly recommend watching the video for a more in-depth look at the letter and its potential connections to Bigfoot. You can find the link in the description below. Happy squatching, my fellow believers!
Excitement Level: 6 of 10. The historical account of these giants and their potential connections to Bigfoot make this a particularly interesting video for any dedicated enthusiast.