Retired Pastor Reveals Bigfoot's Role in Southeast Alaska's Tribal History
Posted Sunday, April 21, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel, host Jason shares two intriguing interviews about Bigfoot sightings and experiences on Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska. The video is an archive episode, and Jason encourages anyone with similar experiences or additional information in the same area to reach out to him.
The first interview is with Alex, a retired Salvation Army Pastor who served in Alaska. Alex recounts his introduction to Bigfoot on Prince of Wales Island, where he was stationed as a pastor from 2010 to 2012. Upon his arrival, the outgoing captain warned him about the seriousness with which the locals regard Bigfoot, emphasizing the importance of respecting their beliefs and experiences. Alex, who had a personal encounter with Bigfoot as a child, was already aware of its existence.
During his time on the island, Alex interacted with members of the Kinket, Haida, and Tsimshian tribes, as well as some Upik individuals. He discovered that Bigfoot played a significant role in the tribes' history, with some even considering it a clan ancestor. Alex also shares the belief that Bigfoot taught the indigenous people how to hunt and live on the island.
One of the tribe's culture bearers told Alex that Bigfoot led their people to what is now Prince of Wales Island and showed them how to survive. The Kinket tribe, in particular, believes that Bigfoot is a part of their clan history, and they refer to it as Kushika. However, Alex notes that there is some disagreement among other tribes in Southeast Alaska regarding the nature of Kushika, with some viewing it as an evil spirit or shape-shifter rather than a biological creature.
The video also touches on the idea that some Bigfoot sightings may be related to interdimensional travel or shape-shifting entities, with orbs and other spiritual phenomena accompanying these entities. Alex shares stories of people witnessing Bigfoot shifting into other forms, such as a part otter, part man, or even a large salmon jumping into the water.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on these fascinating interviews about Bigfoot on Prince of Wales Island. The open-minded and respectful approach to Bigfoot and indigenous beliefs makes this video a valuable contribution to the Bigfoot community.