Alaska Cryptid Sighting: An intriguing photograph from Dutch Harbor

Posted Saturday, April 20, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot sighting in Dutch Harbor, Alaska has recently come to light, thanks to a tip from a viewer. The story was shared on the YouTube channel Alasquatch, which explores all things cryptid in Alaska. The witness, an Alaskan native who now resides in Oregon, was using the FAA cameras in Dutch Harbor to check on the area when he noticed something unusual. A sunbreak had occurred, revealing a mysterious figure standing on a hill. The figure appeared to be bipedal, with a conical head and a dark, uniform color. The witness quickly snapped a picture of the figure before it disappeared. He later shared the photo with Alasquatch, who discussed the sighting with him in an audio-only interview. During the interview, the witness described the area where the figure was spotted as having no trees, similar to St. Paul Island in the Pribilofs. He also mentioned that he had never heard of any Bigfoot sightings in Dutch Harbor or Alaska. The photo itself is intriguing, as it appears to show a bipedal figure with a distinct head shape. Upon closer inspection, it also appears that the figure is on a path coming down the hill. Unfortunately, the witness did not have any scale in the photo, such as a tree, to estimate the figure's height. However, he did mention that the cameras in the area re-record over themselves, so the image would have been lost if he had not captured it. Overall, this is a fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot sighting in a relatively unexplored area. While the photo is not definitive proof of a Bigfoot sighting, it certainly adds to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the creature. If you're interested in learning more about this sighting, be sure to check out the full interview on Alasquatch's YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay curious!