Minnesota Farmer's Shocking Bigfoot Encounters: Dented Camper & Moved Lawnmower
Posted Friday, April 19, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video posted on The Caffeinated Cryptid w/ Bobby Dizzle YouTube channel, Randy Bauer from Minnesota shares some fascinating stories about his encounters with Sasquatch on his property. Randy is no stranger to these elusive creatures, as he has had numerous experiences with them on his farm.
Randy recounts an incident involving his daughter's camper, which was parked near the woods line. His daughter and grandkids were sleeping inside when they heard a loud bang and felt the camper shaking. When Randy investigated the next day, he found a large dent in the side of the camper and knuckle marks on the back and side. He took this as a sign that the Sasquatch was trying to communicate with him and asked them to stop hitting the camper. Since then, there have been no further incidents with the camper.
In another encounter, Randy noticed that some saplings were bent over his trail, making it difficult for him to walk through. He took this as a message from the Sasquatch and thanked them for their help. Later, he noticed that they had bent over two saplings, one facing east and one facing west, creating an X in a pine tree.
One of the most intriguing stories Randy shares is about a cougar sighting while he was out hunting with a friend. As they were crossing a bridge, Randy jokingly said that he wished he had a flashlight to shine down and see if there was a cougar by the river. To his surprise, there was a cougar looking back at them. As the cougar started walking towards them, a log came flying across the river, hitting the ground just a few feet away. Randy is convinced that the Sasquatch was trying to protect them from the cougar.
These stories are just a few examples of the many encounters Randy has had with Sasquatch on his property. It's clear that these creatures are intelligent and aware of their surroundings, and they have a deep connection to the land and the people who live on it.
If you're interested in learning more about Randy's experiences, be sure to check out the full video on The Caffeinated Cryptid w/ Bobby Dizzle YouTube channel. It's a fascinating look into the world of Sasquatch and the mysterious creatures that inhabit it.