Family's Unforgettable Bigfoot Encounters During Cabin Build in Northwest Territories
Posted Friday, April 19, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter in the Northwest Territories has recently come to light, thanks to the YouTube channel Cryptids Canada. In this episode, titled "The Last Thing We Expected Was Bigfoot," the channel features an interview with a man named Rush Taylor, who claims to have had a close encounter with the elusive creature while renovating a hunting cabin with his niece and her partner.
Rush, now in his 70s, was born and raised in Fort Nelson, BC but spent most of his career in the southern part of the country. After retiring, he decided to reconnect with his roots and visit his family in the North. It was during this time that he had his encounter with Bigfoot.
Rush had inherited a piece of land in the Northwest Territories, just north of Fort Leard, where he and his family used to go hunting when he was a boy. The land had an old hunting cabin on it, which he wanted to renovate and turn into a comfortable retirement home for himself. He enlisted the help of his niece Jodie and her partner Tim, who were both eager to help.
The trio spent the winter preparing for the renovation, purchasing a large Airstream camper trailer and a truck to haul it. They also added a large metal shed to store their equipment and supplies. It was during this time that they started noticing strange sounds in the distance, usually around early evening. They couldn't quite figure out what animal it could be, but they were determined to find out.
One night, while they were sitting around the fire, Jodie suddenly excused herself to go inside. A few minutes later, she called for them to come inside, looking visibly shaken. She claimed to have seen a hair-covered human-like figure walking past the window. Rush asked if she thought it was a Sasquatch or a Bigfoot, and Jodie's eyes widened in recognition.
The three of them grabbed their pistols and went outside to investigate, but the creature was gone. They discussed carrying their weapons at all times, as they were in bear country and wanted to be prepared for any danger.
A few months later, they took the canoe down to the lake to do some fishing. Jodie and Tim were fishing from the canoe when they suddenly heard loud crashing sounds in the woods beside the lake. They assumed it was a bear, but then they heard a loud war cry and a boulder came flying through the air in their direction. They quickly paddled towards the middle of the lake, where they felt safer.
After returning to shore, Jodie and Tim were convinced that they had encountered a Bigfoot. Rush was more skeptical, but he couldn't deny the evidence in front of him. They decided to keep their encounter to themselves, as they didn't want to alarm anyone.
The renovation of the cabin went smoothly, and Rush was thrilled with the results. He decided to leave the cabin to Jodie and Tim upon his death, as they had put so much work into it. They were grateful for the gesture and spent many weekends at the cabin, enjoying the peace and quiet of the wilderness.
Years later, Rush fell and broke his hip. Jodie and Tim were now living with him full-time, taking care of him. One day, while they were all sitting on the back deck, Jodie suddenly tensed up and started staring behind Rush. He asked her what was wrong, and she whispered that there was a Bigfoot watching him from behind the trailer.
Rush was skeptical, but he decided to take a look for himself. Sure enough, he saw a large, hairy creature standing behind the trailer. It wasn't as big as he had imagined, but it was definitely there. They all sat and watched the creature for several minutes, taking in its majesty and power.
Rush's encounter with Bigfoot is a fascinating account of the elusive creature's existence in the wilderness. It's a reminder that there are still many mysteries in the world, waiting to be discovered. Be sure to check out the full video on Cryptids Canada's YouTube channel for more details on Rush's encounter.