Vietnam Vet Describes Platoon's Encounter with Giant, Reptilian Creatures

Posted Friday, April 19, 2024

By staff

In a chilling video posted to Old Hillbilly Horror, a grandson shares a terrifying encounter his grandfather had during the Vietnam War. The veteran recounts how his platoon was attacked by large, reptilian creatures in a river they had to cross during a jungle march. The grandfather served in a part of the platoon that was tasked with crossing the river at night to avoid detection from Vietcong soldiers. However, they soon realized that there was something much more dangerous in the water. The point man, who had gone ahead to scout the crossing, returned with wide, terrified eyes, urging them to get across as quickly and quietly as possible. As they made their way into the river, they heard strange, trumpet-like noises coming from the direction of the river. At first, they thought it might be an animal, but soon realized that the noises were too strange and too many to be explained by any known animal. Despite their best efforts to be quiet, the noise of their gear and the water made it difficult to move silently. Halfway across the river, one of the soldiers, Knight, fell and disappeared under the water. The grandfather only caught a glimpse of a large, dark shape as it moved beneath them before disappearing again. The platoon made it to the other side, but their troubles were far from over. The point man set up to keep watch, but after only a few minutes, he saw several dark shapes emerging from the water. Before the platoon could react, the creatures had killed several of the men, including the point man. The remaining soldiers opened fire, but the bullets seemed to have little effect on the creatures. The grandfather described how the creatures would eat what was left of their comrades on the shore, and how some of the bullets would pass through one creature and hit another on the same side. Despite their attempts to run, some of the soldiers were not fast enough and were dragged into the water and killed. The veteran ended the story by saying that he had never returned to that part of the jungle again and that the encounter still haunts him to this day. The video leaves viewers with a sense of unease and a reminder of the unknown dangers that lurk in the world. This video is a chilling reminder of the dangers that can be faced in the wild and the mysterious creatures that may inhabit it. While the story is terrifying, it also highlights the bravery and resilience of the soldiers who faced these creatures and survived to tell the tale. As a researcher and believer in the existence of cryptids, I am always intrigued by first-hand accounts of encounters with these mysterious creatures. The grandfather's story is a valuable addition to the body of evidence supporting the existence of large, reptilian creatures. If you're interested in learning more about cryptids and the evidence supporting their existence, be sure to check out the Old Hillbilly Horror YouTube channel and other resources available online. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay curious.