Solar Eclipse's Impact on Sasquatch: Researchers Share Observations and Evidence

Posted Wednesday, April 17, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Cryptid Wilderness Research, hosts Daniel Becker and Matt Slater sit down with research partners William Lunsford and Stephen Hill to discuss their experiences during the recent solar eclipse in Arkansas. William and Stephen were stationed at Ground Zero, one of their research areas, during the eclipse in order to gauge the activity of the Sasquatch before, during, and after the event. Stephen describes the beauty of the eclipse and the unique atmosphere it created, with people from all over the world gathering to witness the phenomenon. William and Stephen's main objective was to see if the eclipse would have any effect on the behavior of the Sasquatch in the area. William notes that the position of the sun and moon can have a significant impact on the behavior of animals and people, and he was curious to see if this would be the case for the Sasquatch as well. During their time at Ground Zero, William and Stephen made a variety of calls in an attempt to communicate with the Sasquatch and document any activity. They were able to capture at least one response, which William describes as short and almost hesitant. As the eclipse began and the temperature dropped, the animals in the area became quiet, and William and Stephen noticed a change in the behavior of the other animals as well. This video is a fascinating glimpse into the work of Cryptid Wilderness Research and their ongoing efforts to study and document the Sasquatch. It's always exciting to hear about firsthand accounts of encounters with these elusive creatures, and the unique setting of the solar eclipse made this experience even more special. Be sure to check out the full video on the Cryptid Wilderness Research YouTube channel to learn more.