Real Bigfoot Encounters: Eyewitness Accounts from North Carolina to England

Posted Tuesday, April 16, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel In Dark Places, host Junebug Fugate shares a compilation of real Bigfoot encounter stories written by individuals who have had their own up-close and personal experiences with these elusive creatures. The video begins with a story from One Day Traiter, who went on a hike in 2018 and heard what they believe to be Bigfoot. They describe the sound as a "big stick beating on a hollow log" that gave them the "shivers." Another encounter comes from Blue Indian, who was hiking with their girlfriend in North Carolina when they heard and witnessed multiple trees shaking violently for several seconds. This is a known Sasquatch tactic, as Le Trout and many others have reported similar experiences. In addition to these stories, the video also features an account from TK Randall about a mysterious creature that has been seen and heard near a lake in England's South Downs. Some witnesses have described the creature as a "Bigfoot-like" creature, while others believe it could be a conventional animal that appears unusual in the darkness. One particularly memorable encounter was shared by a group of softball players who saw a Bigfoot-like creature while traveling on I-5 in California. The creature was moving quickly through the trees and one of the dads was able to get a look at it through his rifle scope. Although he couldn't confirm what he was seeing, he described it as "big and upright," which was witnessed by the entire caravan of vehicles. I am always excited to hear and share these types of real-life encounters. It's good to remember that these stories are written by individuals who have had their own personal experiences and believe they have encountered Bigfoot. I encourage our readers to watch the full video and decide for themselves what they believe.