Mysterious Rock Encounter at Michigan YMCA Camp: A Developmentally Different Perspective
Posted Sunday, April 14, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible werewolf encounter has recently surfaced on The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel. The channel, which is known for sharing stories of paranormal encounters, received an email from a direct care provider who shared a chilling tale told to them by one of the developmentally different individuals they care for.
According to the email, the care provider was watching a video about Sasquatch encounters late one night at work when one of the individuals they care for, referred to as MK, came out of his room and asked what they were watching. After being told, MK shared his own real-life werewolf story that took place at a YMCA campground near Mystic Lake in central Michigan.
MK described how something crashed onto the roof of the cabin and rolled down onto the ground. The counselor initially dismissed it as someone throwing a campfire log, but MK insisted that it was a large rock. He also mentioned a pounding on the wall that moved up to the roof and a tall, wide man walking away into the woods.
The next day, all the parents and guardians were called to come get the kids a day early. MK also mentioned that a guy from Lancing, presumably a YMCA representative, showed up and looked at a big rock outside the cabin with the counselor. The counselor nodded when shown a picture, indicating that they recognized it.
The care provider believes that MK is telling the truth, as he had to stop and calm down several times while telling the story. MK's mother also confirmed the story when he called her the next day.
While the story does not directly involve Sasquatch, it is a fascinating account of a possible paranormal encounter. The care provider's reaction to the story and their belief in MK's truthfulness adds to its intrigue.
If you're interested in hearing the full story, be sure to check out The Round Table Of Knowledge By HTH YouTube channel. And as always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and consider the possibilities of the unknown.