Family's Home Captured on CCTV: Unseen Mysteries or Paranormal?

Posted Saturday, April 13, 2024

By staff

A family living near the River Nen in England has been experiencing ongoing paranormal activity for decades, and they've captured some compelling evidence on their CCTV system. The mother, Chrissy, has seen shadowy figures and experienced strange occurrences in the home, which was her first residence as a baby. She believes the house may be a portal for spirits and is determined to understand the phenomena. Chrissy's CCTV system has recorded a variety of anomalies, including disembodied voices, eerie sounds, and even a dark mist in the house. One audio capture features what sounds like muffled chatter and running water coming from the garage. Chrissy has tried to debunk the audio but can't find any logical explanation for it. In another instance, the cameras captured a hand reaching out from an orb in the hallway. Chrissy and her son were the only ones in the house at the time, and they were in the kitchen, far from the hallway. Chrissy admits to being unnerved by the voice recordings but remains respectful of the spirits in her home. The family has experienced a range of paranormal activity, from objects disappearing and reappearing to doors unscrewing themselves. Chrissy's son has even seen a "horrible black thing" climbing up his bedroom wall. Despite the strange occurrences, Chrissy feels a sense of responsibility for the house and wants to help any trapped spirits move on. If you're intrigued by this fascinating case, be sure to watch the video and hear the eerie audio recordings for yourself. It's always exciting to encounter real-life paranormal experiences and see the evidence that supports them. Let us know your thoughts on this haunted home and its possible spirit inhabitants in the comments below.