Bigfoot Research Event in Aniston: Meet Experts, Get Tickets Now

Posted Saturday, April 13, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the Blondes and Boos Paranormal Podcast, hosts Christa and Brandy sit down with Al Santariga to discuss his paranormal experiences during a recent trip to a Bigfoot site. Al has been investigating this particular location for over a dozen years and has had some fascinating encounters. During their conversation, Al shares a particularly intriguing experience from a night when the veil between worlds was said to be thin. He and his cousin Sean, who was on his first paranormal investigation, hiked to the site and set up camp. Al had invited a psychic, Cindy from Arkansas, to join them and provide guidance. Cindy began by describing what she saw as elves, but she warned that they were tricksters and not to be trusted. She also mentioned that she saw Native American blood in Al's lineage, which he initially denied, but later realized was due to a blood brother ritual he had performed with a close friend when he was 18. As the night went on, Al and Sean heard strange noises and experienced phenomena that they couldn't explain. Al also mentions that he had a close encounter with a creature that he couldn't identify, but it was over 10 feet tall and had a bear-like appearance. This video is a fascinating glimpse into the world of paranormal investigation and the experiences of those who dare to venture into the unknown. If you're interested in learning more about Al's encounters and his thoughts on the paranormal, be sure to check out the full video on the Blondes and Boos Paranormal Podcast YouTube channel.