Sasquatch Encounter at Kenosha Pass: Teepees, Vocalizations, and Evidence

Posted Saturday, April 13, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch And The Wild has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "Bigfooting 101, The Follow Up," the channel's host, Patrick, shares his and a friend's encounter with what they believe to be a Sasquatch. Patrick and his friend Brian went camping in Kenosha Pass, Colorado, where they had been told by fellow Bigfoot researcher Charlie Raymond to look for TP structures, or teepee-like formations that Sasquatch are said to build. Patrick explains that these structures are often found away from campsites and are more open, as opposed to the elaborate and tightly constructed ones that can be seen all over YouTube. During their camping trip, Patrick and Brian heard a series of vocalizations that they believe were made by a Sasquatch. The vocalizations, which sounded like "hey hey" and "hey hey ho," were heard coming straight towards them, and Patrick describes them as sounding very "First Nations." He also notes that he had previously seen a First Nations person with a painted face and a reed headdress in the same area, adding to the otherworldly feeling of the encounter. As a Bigfoot believer and a curator for Squatchable, I am always excited to see new videos and firsthand accounts of possible Sasquatch sightings. This video, in particular, is intriguing because of the vocalizations and the location of the encounter. The fact that Patrick and Brian heard the vocalizations coming straight towards them and that they sounded like actual words is particularly noteworthy. Patrick also shares his knowledge of Sasquatch behavior throughout the video, such as their attraction to TP structures and their tendency to unzip things and play with objects. He notes that Sasquatch are known to be curious and intelligent creatures, which adds to the plausibility of their encounter. Overall, this video is definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. It provides a fascinating firsthand account of a possible Sasquatch encounter and offers valuable insights into the behavior and habits of these elusive creatures. So, head over to YouTube and check out Sasquatch And The Wild's video "Bigfooting 101, The Follow Up" for yourself.