Minnesota 2011: Snowmobiler's Encounter with a 7-Foot Sasquatch

Posted Friday, April 12, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new collection of intriguing Bigfoot stories has been brought to you by William Jevning and narrated by Jim Soer. The first story comes from Grand Marray, Cook County, Minnesota, where a snowmobiler spotted a Sasquatch in the Superior National Forest in 2011. The witness and their sister were snowmobiling in the backcountry when they noticed a tall, man-like creature standing near a tributary. The creature was approximately 7 feet tall and had dark brown fur with darker areas around the face and chest. It had long arms and a very human-like appearance with a high forehead area. The witness and their sister observed the creature for about a minute before it reached up, grabbed a branch, and walked off into the trees. They couldn't take any pictures because they were on a snowmobile, but they could see large, barefoot tracks in the snow. Unfortunately, the snow was too deep to get close enough to take pictures of the tracks. The witness and their sister were frightened by the encounter and did not report it to authorities for fear of being ridiculed. They wished to remain anonymous but wanted to share their story to let others know that they are not crazy if they see one of these creatures. The second story comes from Siskiyou County, California, approximately 1996. A crew of 12 was working on a contract for the forest service to clear a couple of miles of wilderness trail. They were camped in a meadow near a small lake called Red Camp Lake. One night, they heard a God-awful screaming and howling noise that echoed through the meadow, making it sound like the screaming was coming from all directions. The strange noise finally stopped, and was followed by a tree getting pushed off the top of a nearby cliff. Nobody could move or come out of their tents, but everyone wanted the reassurance of the others. The next morning, they found the tree that came down. It was a full-grown tree, and the guide who joined them later informed them that the area was considered sacred ground and it is believed that there is a Bigfoot protecting that whole mountain. The guide also went on to say that the noise has been heard before but in other places. These stories are just a few of the many fascinating Bigfoot encounters that have been shared with William Jevning. You can watch the full video on the BIGFOOT! / William Jevning YouTube channel. Remember, if you have a Bigfoot encounter, you can share it with William Jevning and possibly have it featured on his channel. As a researcher of these videos, I encourage readers to watch the full video and share their thoughts in the comments. Let's continue the conversation about these incredible creatures and the mysteries that surround them.