Oregon Woman's Friendly Sasquatch Encounters: A Legacy of Caution and Wonder
Posted Wednesday, April 10, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A fascinating account from a member of the Sweet Home, Oregon Sasquatch Research Group has recently come to light. Judy Neil Purkerson, a lifelong resident of the Oregon coast, shares her experiences of growing up in the mountains and her subsequent encounters with the elusive Sasquatch.
According to Judy, she and her family spent most of their time playing in the woods as children, but never encountered anything unusual or frightening. However, after leaving the mountains, they began to have strange experiences. Judy's uncle, who drove a log truck for a living, had a particularly memorable encounter when a huge leg and foot stepped onto the cab of his truck, leaving a distinct dent in the top.
Years later, Judy and her husband had an experience while hunting in the Willamette Valley. Judy heard a distinct wood knock and noticed that the brush was still smoking from a recent logging operation. Despite her husband's initial skepticism, Judy insisted that they leave the area, feeling a sense of unease.
In another hunting trip, Judy and her husband stumbled upon a large rectangular patch of grass that looked like it had been scorched. Judy had seen this once before in an area above McDow Creek, where local witches were known to hold ceremonies. As they continued on the trail, they noticed that the evergreens had been bent to form a tunnel at least 10 feet tall. Judy heard a deep voice in her head warning her not to enter.
Judy is convinced that she was being warned by a friendly Sasquatch and feels a deep sense of gratitude towards them for protecting her and her husband. She believes that Sasquatches are not simply North American great apes, but something much more complex and spiritual.
I am always on the lookout for new and interesting Sasquatch accounts. Judy's story is a great reminder of the mysterious and spiritual nature of these elusive creatures. I encourage all of our readers to watch the full video and form their own opinions on Judy's experiences.