In a recent video from the Untold Radio Network, the topic of Sasquatch science takes center stage. The video, titled "NAWAC Tag 7 Study-Sasquatch Science in Action (Part II)," delves into the technical aspects of studying Sasquatch, using the North American Wood Ape Conservation's Tag 7 paper as a reference.
The video begins with an overview of the study and the development of the tag used to track Sasquatch. The tag was developed over a large area and underwent Alpha and beta testing to ensure its effectiveness. The team worked to ensure that the tag would attach to hair and not feathers or fur, making it a reliable control measure for their study.
The video also covers the methodology used to deploy the radio tags, which were attached to a cocko bur and then deployed using Higgin string traps. The goal was to develop a technique to attach a radio tag to hair and track the movement patterns of the Sasquatch.
One of the key aspects of the study is the use of convergent and divergent validity to prove the existence of Sasquatch. Convergent validity involves collecting data that supports the existence of Sasquatch, while divergent validity involves collecting data that points in the opposite direction. By using both methods, the team was able to make a stronger case for the existence of Sasquatch.
The video also touches on the importance of reliability and the use of Aam's razor in statistical analysis. The team used the bell-shaped curve as the foundation for their statistical analysis, and they plan to cover this topic in more depth in future shows.
Overall, the video provides a fascinating look at the scientific study of Sasquatch and the methods used to track and understand this elusive creature. I am always excited to learn more about the latest research and studies in the field. I highly recommend checking out the full video for a deeper dive into the topic.