Hiker Finds Expanded Bigfoot Arch Structure with Jingle Bells and Tiny Sticks
Posted Monday, April 08, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch Seeker has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers alike. The video, titled "Bigfoot returned to work on his structure. What power!!" showcases what appears to be a structure made of sticks and branches, with an additional arch added on top of the original one.
The video's narrator, who has been regularly visiting the site, notes that the tree that was previously bent down and shoved between the original arch and a tree, is now standing upright. They also mention finding jingle bells in a ring formation, which they had left out as a "trade-off" with the elusive creature.
I am always intrigued by new evidence and sightings of Bigfoot. The structure shown in the video is particularly interesting, as it suggests that the creature is not only aware of its surroundings but also actively building and modifying its habitat.
The addition of the jingle bells and the bent tree being found upright are also noteworthy, as they suggest that the creature may have been interacting with the objects left out for it.
While I cannot confirm the authenticity of the video, I encourage all Bigfoot believers to watch it and form their own opinions. As a believer myself, I am always excited to see new evidence and sightings of this elusive creature.
It is important to note that the YouTube channel Sasquatch Seeker is not affiliated with Squatchable. However, I am always on the lookout for new and interesting Bigfoot-related content to share with our readers.
Wrapping up, the video posted by Sasquatch Seeker is an intriguing addition to the body of evidence surrounding Bigfoot. While I cannot confirm its authenticity, I believe it is worth taking a look at and forming your own opinion. As a believer in the existence of Bigfoot, I am always excited to see new evidence and sightings of this elusive creature.