Arizona Ranch Sitter Captures Sasquatch Portals and Orbs - Exclusive!

Posted Sunday, April 07, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't help but delve into the details of this intriguing story. The video, posted by Chuck Jacobs - Arizona, tells the tale of a picture that can't be shared, capturing the interest of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers alike. Chuck, an experienced bigfooter, shares his encounter with a Sasquatch family that was causing trouble on a widow's property in Sholo, Arizona. After helping to facilitate an agreement with the Sasquatch family, he received a call from the ranch sitter who was staying at the property while the owner was visiting relatives in California. The ranch sitter had captured something unusual on camera, and she was understandably shaken by the experience. The images in question were described as a series of white lights and a green fog that weren't visible to the naked eye. When the ranch sitter tried to take a picture of a particularly dark spot on a hillside, she captured an image that left her utterly baffled. Upon looking at the pictures, she was immediately tormented by vocalizations and pounding on her trailer. The Sasquatch family was clearly upset about the photographs, and the owner of the property, who had a good relationship with the local Sasquatch community, was concerned as well. During a three-way conversation between the owner, the ranch sitter, and Chuck, they discovered that the images might be of a portal. The Sasquatch family, communicating through mindspeak, expressed their concern about the pictures and asked that they not be shared or published. Chuck, the owner, and the ranch sitter all agreed not to circulate the images, and the Sasquatch family graciously allowed them to keep the pictures as long as they were not shared. This intriguing story leaves us with many questions and a sense of awe at the mysterious nature of Sasquatch. While I can't share the images with you, I wholeheartedly encourage you to watch the video and decide for yourself if this tale of a picture that can't be shared is a genuine Sasquatch encounter. Excitement level: 7 out of 10. The involvement of mindspeak and the possibility of a Sasquatch portal makes this story particularly fascinating and worthy of further discussion among Bigfoot believers.