Bigfoot Sighting Near Bridge: Witness Recounts Encounter and BFRO Investigation

Posted Saturday, April 06, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Strange Danger has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. In the video, titled "Exploring Bigfoot Road Crossing Area, Squatchin'", the couple describes their encounter with a large, black bipedal figure that crossed the road in front of their vehicle. The couple had been driving home from a neighboring town at around 11:45 pm when they spotted the figure. They describe it as being very large and moving extremely fast, taking only two to three steps to cross the road and another step to cross the embankment and disappear into the tree line. Upon arriving at the location of the sighting, the couple noticed that there was no game trail or path in the area where the individual had entered the tree line. The bushes were still shaking in its wake, indicating that the creature had just passed through. As they explored the area, they discovered two pig heads, which had not been there for very long. The BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) had investigated the sighting, giving it a lot of credibility. The couple also reported hearing strange noises in the area, including what sounded like a woodpecker hitting a softer tree, as well as a strong smell of something dead. They also found a deer feeder and a deer camera, indicating that the area is used for hunting. As they continued to explore, they found evidence of human activity, including a fire pit and a coke bottle. They also found a deer stand, which they noted is known to be used by Bigfoot to peak their head in and rattle things. Throughout the video, the couple remains respectful and open-minded about the possibility of a Bigfoot sighting. They do not make any assumptions or jump to conclusions, but rather present the facts as they experienced them. I am excited to share this video with our readers. The couple's encounter with the large, black bipedal figure is intriguing and adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot. I encourage our readers to watch the video and form their own opinions about the encounter. The video is a great example of the importance of remaining open-minded and respectful when it comes to investigating Bigfoot sightings. Wrapping up, the video posted by Strange Danger is a valuable contribution to the Bigfoot community. The couple's encounter with the large, black bipedal figure is a reminder that there is still much to be learned about this elusive creature. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers to watch the video and join the conversation about this fascinating topic.