Paranormal Show Explores Witnessed Mysteries and Supernatural Phenomena

Posted Thursday, April 04, 2024

By staff

A new video from the YouTube channel Sasquatch Odyssey has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Backwoods Horrors Stories & Bigfoot - The Paranormal 60," features host Dave Sher and guest Brian King discussing their experiences with the supernatural, including Bigfoot sightings and other unexplained phenomena. Brian King, a former law enforcement officer and host of the Sasquatch Odyssey and Backwoods horror stories podcasts, shares his personal encounters with high strangeness. From a young age, Brian was exposed to stories of the paranormal through his mother's experiences in haunted houses. But it wasn't until he moved into a house in North Georgia at the age of 10 or 11 that he began to have his own encounters. In the house, Brian would hear voices, scratching on the walls, and wake up to dark figures standing over his bed. He describes the figures as the "darkest of darks," with a darker area inside the darkness that he couldn't make out. The figures were always near the foot of his bed, and Brian would often wake up to a scratching sound coming from behind his bed or inside the walls. Brian's experiences in the house led him to believe that there was something more going on, and he began to investigate the paranormal. He's since had numerous encounters with Bigfoot, including hearing vocalizations and finding footprints. The video also touches on the Oregon Bigfoot festival and Beyond, which will take place on June 29th at Oaks Amusement Park. The festival will feature Bigfoot hunters, paranormal investigators, and family-friendly activities celebrating Bigfoot, ghosts, UFOs, and everything beyond. I found this video to be both intriguing and exciting. Brian King's personal experiences with the paranormal and his dedication to investigating these phenomena are inspiring. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the video and share their thoughts with us at Squatchable.