Man Seeks Legal Advice for Sasquatch Hunting in Washington's Bigfoot Hotspot
Posted Wednesday, April 03, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on the YouTube channel "Werewolf Radar Paranormal Comedy Podcast" has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Is it Legal To Hunt Sasquatch | Paranormal News," discusses a bizarre call received by the Stevens County Sheriff Office in Washington regarding a man named "Craven the Hunter" who is interested in hunting Sasquatch in the Big Meadow Lake Area.
According to the video, Craven called the sheriff's office to inquire about the legality of hunting Sasquatch in the area, as the state regulations are unclear. The sheriff's office referred him to fish and wildlife, but they in turn referred him back to the sheriff's office. The post on the sheriff's office Facebook page states that Craven will call back tomorrow if he does not hear back from someone today.
The video also mentions a supposed sighting of a Sasquatch by a deputy in the area between Larson Beach Road and Loon Lake Corners, which was documented in the system but turned out to be a human.
The video goes on to discuss various sightings and encounters with Bigfoot in the area, including a report of a Bigfoot looking in the window of a building in 1981, a hunter seeing an upright walking animal in 1984, and hunters hearing aggressive yells and knocks near Addie in 2004.
I find this video to be both intriguing and concerning. It's exciting to hear about new sightings and encounters with Bigfoot, but the idea of someone wanting to hunt Sasquatch is troubling. Bigfoot is a protected species and should be treated with respect and reverence, not hunted for sport.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the matter. It's important for us as a community to come together and speak out against the hunting of Bigfoot. Let's continue to educate others about the importance of protecting these magnificent creatures and their habitats.
Additionally, I would like to remind everyone that Squatchable is always looking for new sightings and encounters to share with our readers. If you have had a Bigfoot sighting or encounter, please share it with us. We would love to hear your story.
Excitement level: 6
Note: The video does not belong to Squatchable, it is a curated content from YouTube channel "Werewolf Radar Paranormal Comedy Podcast" and all the information mentioned in the video is independent of Squatchable.