Man Discovers Giant Footprint in Wilderness Camp: Gorilla Cryptid Stories from Afghanistan

Posted Sunday, March 31, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has recently surfaced on the YouTube channel KoR Live! In a video titled "Bigfoot Part 2," a guest named Kazari shares her experience of finding a large footprint while on a school trip to Camp McDow in 2008. Kazari, who was in fifth grade at the time, recalls wandering off from her group during a free period and stumbling upon a massive footprint embedded in the clay by the riverbank. She describes the impression as being half a foot deep and much larger than her friend's father's foot, who was a big man. Kazari's friends, who were both hunters, estimated the print to be a few days old, which led Kazari to believe that the creature could have been present when her group first arrived at the camp. Unfortunately, the group was unable to take any photographs of the print as the camera that was used to document it was later stolen. Kazari emphasizes that she is telling the truth and that the experience had a significant impact on her. The video also touches on the history of gorillas being considered cryptids and the supernatural abilities that were once attributed to them. The name "gorilla" is derived from the Arabic word for ghoul, which is fitting given the mysterious and spooky nature of these creatures. Overall, Kazari's story is a compelling addition to the world of Bigfoot research. While it is always disappointing when evidence cannot be preserved, the account serves as a reminder of the importance of keeping an open mind and exploring the unknown. If you're interested in learning more about Kazari's story, be sure to check out the video on KoR Live!'s YouTube channel. And as always, keep your eyes peeled for any signs of Sasquatch!