Psychometry, Spirits, and Past Lives: A Paranormal Investigator's Journey

Posted Sunday, March 31, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Deep Woods Paranormal, paranormal investigator Matt Harvey interviews Linda Maris, an author and fellow paranormal investigator. Maris shares her experiences with psychometry, automatic writing, and spiritual visions, including a powerful encounter with the spirit of comedian Freddy Prince just a week after his passing. Maris explains that her interest in the paranormal began in her childhood, with unusual experiences that led to a curiosity about the unknown. She discovered her gift of psychometry, the ability to sense vibrations from personal objects, and developed it through practice and courses. This gift allowed her to read people in various settings, from comedy clubs to parties, and eventually led to automatic writing and spiritual visions. One particularly striking vision involved comedian Freddy Prince, who appeared to Maris in a bar a week after his death. After pointing to his photo on the wall and confirming his presence, Prince communicated a message to her through a song, "Pigeon Song" by America, which held symbolic meaning for his life. Maris's stories are reminiscent of the experiences many in the paranormal community have had, including encounters with spirits and the development of psychic abilities from a young age. As a fellow investigator, Maris shares her insights and experiences with an open and honest approach, making for a compelling and engaging conversation. Throughout the interview, Maris emphasizes the importance of trusting one's instincts and embracing spiritual experiences. Her stories serve as a reminder of the power of intuition and the potential for extraordinary encounters in our everyday lives. To learn more about Linda Maris and her experiences, be sure to check out the full video on Deep Woods Paranormal's YouTube channel.