Cabin Survivors Encounter Giant Bigfoot and Infant, Plan Escape

Posted Saturday, March 30, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of an encounter with a Bigfoot has been shared on the YouTube channel OHWVBigfoot. In the video titled "Day 09," the individuals involved describe their experiences while staying in a cabin built by the grandfather of one of the individuals. According to the video, the cabin is built like a "virtual Fortress," which comes in handy as it appears that the group has been under attack by Bigfoots in the area. Rocks of various sizes are found around the cabin, with some even on the roof. One of the individuals, Bo, seems to have been injured in a previous encounter with the Bigfoots. The group discusses the need for Bo to rest and recuperate, while Jake and Steve head out to search for Bo's missing shotgun. As Jake and Steve search the area, they come across a Bigfoot with an infant in the crook of its arm. The Bigfoot appears to be at least 8 feet tall with a medium chocolate brown color. The group decides to head back to the cabin via the road, keeping an eye out for the shotgun along the way. Upon their return to the cabin, they find Bo asleep and decide to make an attempt to escape. They plan to leave everything behind except for the weapons, as their lives are more important than their clothes and personal items. The video provides an intriguing first-hand account of a Bigfoot encounter, and the individuals involved seem to handle the situation with a level head. It's always exciting to hear about new encounters and experiences with these elusive creatures. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the full video on the OHWVBigfoot YouTube channel. And as always, keep an eye out for any signs of Bigfoot in your own adventures!