Four Shocking Bigfoot Encounters: Watch, Share Your Theory
Posted Saturday, March 30, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Tattooed Biker Unexplained, four individuals share their chilling encounters with Bigfoot. The video, titled "Is Bigfoot An Inter-dimensional Being? Four True Sasquatch Stories," is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast.
The first story comes from a man named Carter, who had his first Bigfoot encounter when he was just 11 years old. While playing with a kite with his cousins and brothers, they noticed a large, hairy figure watching them from across the road. The figure was taller than their fence pole, which was around 5 feet tall, and had long arms and no neck. Carter and his group quickly ran inside, but the figure disappeared into the trees just as quickly as it had appeared.
Carter's second encounter occurred when his brother was out hunting on horseback. As he was heading home, he saw a Bigfoot sitting in a field, eating something. The creature looked up at him with a look of alarm before getting down on all fours and leaping away, disappearing into the woods.
The third encounter comes from a man who was winter camping in late February of 2009. He heard what he believed to be an elk bugle off in the distance, so he cracked a rock to let the local wildlife know he was there. However, the bugle sound got closer and closer, until it sounded like it was only 20 yards away. The man's dog, which was usually fearless, started acting skittish and wouldn't venture more than 15 feet from the truck. Suddenly, a log came flying from the direction of one of the whistles, smashing the back window of the man's Forerunner and denting the side panel. The man quickly packed up and left, completely terrified.
The final encounter comes from a woman who was camping with her boyfriend and dog in Washington state. They heard what sounded like a multi-pitched whistle, almost like a wooden train whistle, around their campsite. The sound went on for hours, with different calls around their camp. Eventually, a log came flying from the direction of one of the whistles, smashing the back window of their car. The woman and her boyfriend quickly packed up and left, shaken by the experience.
These stories are a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot, and leave viewers wondering if there is more to these creatures than meets the eye. Be sure to check out the full video on Tattooed Biker Unexplained's YouTube channel.