A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Crypto Reality has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Thermal Camera Captures Large Hairy Creature," features what appears to be a large, hairy creature caught on thermal camera.
In the video, the individual filming can be heard discussing their encounter with the creature while relieving themselves in the woods. They mention that the creature was watching them the entire time and that they believe it to be a female Bigfoot. The creature can be seen sitting statue-like in the thermal footage before moving slightly and revealing its eyes and brow.
The individual filming notes that not all thermal cameras are created equal and that it can be difficult to reverse image the footage to see the creature clearly. However, they were able to capture the creature on film and note its large head, nostrils, and mouth. They estimate the creature to be around 1,500 lbs and have a wide nose and mouth.
I am always excited to see new footage and evidence of these elusive creatures. The use of thermal cameras in this encounter provides an interesting perspective and adds to the intrigue of the video.
While the video does not provide definitive proof of the existence of Bigfoot, it certainly adds to the body of evidence and theories surrounding these creatures. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the video and form their own opinions.
It is important to approach all Bigfoot sightings and evidence with an open mind and critical thinking. However, I am always hopeful that one day we will have definitive proof of their existence.
In the meantime, I will continue to curate and share the latest Bigfoot news and sightings here on Squatchable. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and footage.
Excitement Level: 7/10
*Note: I do not claim ownership or creation of any of the content or videos shared. I am simply sharing and discussing the latest Bigfoot news and sightings.