Captured: Mysterious Half-Man, Half-Beast Creature 'Jacko' in British Columbia

Posted Thursday, March 28, 2024

By staff

A fascinating video has recently surfaced on YouTube, shedding light on an intriguing newspaper clipping from the July 3rd, 1884 edition of The Daily Colonist. The article, titled "Strange creature captured above Yale, B.C." tells the story of a creature known as "Jacko," a half-man, half-beast creature captured near the number four tunnel in British Columbia. The video, posted by the YouTube channel Squatch-D TV, delves into the details of this mysterious creature and its capture. According to the video, Jacko is described as a gorilla-type creature, standing at 4'7" tall and weighing 127 lbs. His body is covered with glossy hair about an inch long, with the exception of his hands or paws and feet. Jacko's forearms are reportedly much longer than a man's, and he possesses extraordinary strength. Since his capture, Jacko has been reticent, only occasionally uttering a noise that is half bark and half growl. The video goes on to describe the circumstances surrounding Jacko's capture. Ned Austin, the engineer, initially spotted what he believed to be a man lying asleep in close proximity to the train tracks. Upon realizing that the figure was not human, Austin quickly applied the brakes, and the train came to a standstill. The creature then sprang up and began to climb the steep bluff, with the conductor, express messenger, and other train employees in hot pursuit. After a perilous chase and climb, the creature, now known as Jacko, was cornered on a projecting shelf of rock. The query then became how to capture him alive, which was quickly decided by Mr. Craig, who rendered Jacko incapable of resistance by dropping a small piece of loose rock on him. Jacko was then bound, placed in the baggage car, and transported to Yale. The video also explores the mystery surrounding Jacko's origins. Some speculate that he may belong to a species hitherto unknown in this part of the continent, while others believe he may have been a demented Indian. Regardless of his origins, Jacko's existence has sparked intrigue and debate among those who believe in the presence of Sasquatches in the wilderness of British Columbia. As a researcher of this video, I encourage our readers to watch it for themselves and draw their own conclusions about Jacko and his place in the world of the unknown. The story of Jacko serves as a powerful reminder of the mysteries that lie in the unexplored corners of our world, challenging our understanding of what we deem as known and pushing the boundaries of our knowledge. Wrapping up, the video about Jacko is a fascinating addition to the world of Bigfoot research and serves as a reminder of the many mysteries that still exist in our world. Who knows, maybe one day we'll finally unravel the mystery that is Jacko, but until then, let us continue to explore, question, and believe in the wonders of the unknown.