Bigfoot's Strength at Bluff Creek: Unveiling Tree Breaks and Lime-Filled Bare Spots
Posted Wednesday, March 27, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Greenwave2010fb has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video, titled "The Power of the Sasquatch," features MK Davis discussing the strength and power of these elusive creatures, as well as the risks that come with entering their territory.
Davis takes us on a journey to Bluff Creek, where the famous Patterson-Gimlin film was taken. He shows us a steel cable that was used to haul logs out of the creek and a bare spot where a pile of quicklime once stood. Quicklime is a base, and when mixed with sand, it creates a firm surface that nothing will grow on for quite some time. Davis explains that the ground in this area is acidic, and when you have something like lime, which is a base, nothing will grow there for quite a long time.
He then shows us a grove of trees of various sizes that were marked with notches. These notches were fresh breaks, indicating that something was going on in this area. Davis also shows us some steel pictures of trees that had been bent and ripped apart with tremendous power. He explains that the Sasquatch in this area know and understand the meaning of this area with no growth and show their understanding by marking the spot and snapping off good-sized trees like matchsticks.
Davis also shares that the Sasquatch in this area are many times more physical than humans and that they are not just slightly more physical than us. He cautions anyone going into this area to be aware of the risks involved and to be prepared with a good first aid kit.
I encourage our readers to watch this video and see the evidence for themselves. The video is a fascinating look into the power and strength of these elusive creatures and serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared and aware when entering their territory.
Excitement level: 6
I am always intrigued by new evidence and perspectives on these elusive creatures. The video by Greenwave2010fb provides a unique look into the power and strength of Sasquatch and serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared and aware when entering their territory. I am excited to share this video with our readers and encourage everyone to watch it and form their own opinions.