Park Ranger's Chilling Tales: Mysterious Encounters in National Parks

Posted Wednesday, March 27, 2024

By staff

A park ranger shares her chilling encounters with the unknown A park ranger with over 20 years of experience has recently shared some of her most memorable and inexplicable experiences while working in various national parks. These stories, shared via email, detail strange occurrences that the ranger and her husband have witnessed, including a possible encounter with a Skinwalker Ranch visitor and an otherworldly experience involving small, blue beings. The ranger, who currently works on the east coast, recounts a peculiar conversation she had with a couple while working at Canyonlands National Park. The woman mentioned Skinwalker Ranch and described the entities there as "stalking, manipulative, and dangerous creatures." Although the ranger couldn't get more information from the couple, she still wonders about their encounter. An even more unnerving experience happened when the ranger heard her name being called from the woods while walking back to her vehicle. She immediately felt threatened and demanded the unknown person reveal themselves. Upon realizing how quiet the night had become, she quickly backed away and drove off, still unsure of what she had encountered. Perhaps the most intriguing story involves the ranger's frequent visitor, a disheveled woman the ranger saw peering around corners for years. Although the woman's face was never clear, her presence was always felt. The ranger's experiences with this entity intensified when her mother fell ill, and she saw the woman in full view in her bedroom. Since then, the ranger has not had any more encounters with this mysterious figure. Another bizarre experience shared by the ranger involves a bright blue light and small, blue beings that paralyzed her and communicated with her in her own voice. This encounter left her with a strange scar on her arm and three small triangle-shaped scars on her groin. These stories, shared by a seasoned park ranger, offer a fascinating glimpse into the mysterious and unexplained experiences that can occur in national parks. While some may have rational explanations, others remain a complete mystery. To learn more about these captivating stories, check out the full video on Old Hillbilly Horror's YouTube channel. Remember, the truth is out there, and sometimes, it's in our national parks.